At CAJ (Headmaster blog) Sister Schools - November 2013

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Current post
May 2015 | Annual Report
February 2015 | Mission Statement Review and Changes
January 2015 | CAJ celebrating 65th anniversary
November 2014 | Introducing our new Head of School
October 2014 | School WithOut Walls
September 2014 | A New Year


May 2014 | Annual Report
April 2014 | Celebrating 65 Years!
March 2014 | Governance at CAJ
February 2014 | Headmaster Transition
November 2013 | Sister Schools
October 2013 | Behaviors off Campus
September 2013 | Strong in the Lord


May 2013 | Annual Report
April 2013 | Celebrating a Change
March 2013 | Remembered
February 2013 | Staffing CAJ
January 2013 | The Complexity of Calendars
December 2012 | Christmas Card
November 2012 | Choosing Colleges
September 2012 | Communication at CAJ

Sister Schools | November 2013[edit]

Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a conference in Taiwan with several members of CAJ’s board. Thirty-four board trustees and headmasters from 12 missionary schools assembled for what Dan Egler, president of ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) and our speaker, called a gathering unique anywhere in the world.

No matter our individual legacies or situations, our schools share an important purpose in a rapidly changing world. It was engaging and informative to compare our experiences and challenges. There were schools much older than CAJ’s 64 years, and schools just beginning. There were schools like ours that have a solid financial foundation and mature program, and those that are struggling to survive. Several schools are in very real danger of losing their property, which makes me appreciate our too small, but fully paid for, campus in Tokyo.

We talked policy, money, logistics, staffing, students, the changing face of missions, and every aspect of running a missionary school. But the conversations became passionate when we shared what we were doing to ensure that missionaries can come to and remain on the mission field. We face very different challenges than missionary schools did 25, 50 and a 100 years ago, but we are creatively adapting to offer all the support we always have while adjusting to new realities. After the conference we dispersed back to India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Japan, Thailand, China, the Philippines, or stayed in Taiwan, but connections were made and we are stronger, together. And we are also united in our appreciation for the work of those we serve and for those that support us and make spreading the gospel to all corners of the earth possible. Thank you.

Your servant in Him,
Brian Vander Haak


それぞれの学校のレガシーや、状況がどうであれ、急速に変化していくこの世のなかで、私達は重要な目的を共有しています。私達の経験やチャレンジ等をお互いに比較し合うことで知識があたえられ、また引きつけられるものがありました。参加校のなかには、CAJ の64年の歴史よりもさらに長い学校もあれば、開校したばかりという学校もありました。CAJのようにしっかりした財政的基礎や、円熟したプログラムのある学校もあれば、存続の為に苦労している学校、いくつかの学校は、資産をも失う危機に直面していることなどを知ると、たとえ小さくても、この東京にあるこのCAJの土地は既に完済されていることであらためて感謝させられました。
カンファレンス終了後は、各々、インド、バングラデッシュ、マレーシア、インドネシア、カンボジア、日本、タイ、中国、フィリピンへと、戻り、また台湾にとどまったものもいますが、お互いのつながりが築かれ、ともに強められました。  わたしたちが働きを通してつかえている人たちへ、また、わたしたちの働きを支えてくださる人たちへの感謝の気持ちと、この働きは可能な限り、世界中の隅々まで、福音が広がっていくことにつながるという意識によって、固く結び合わされたのです。


