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Section 2 Executive Limitations

2.2 Staff

On behalf of the board, the head of school shall contract staff qualified and committed to carry out the mission of CAJ, and shall not cause or allow current or prospective paid staff and/or volunteers to be treated in a manner which is unbiblical, unjust, unlawful, unsafe, undignified, or lacking appropriate confidentiality.

Accordingly, the head of school shall not fail to:

2.2.1 Employ staff that meet the following qualifications: Born-again Christian who models a Christ-like lifestyle Are in active partnership (giving and receiving) with a local church doctrinally compatible with CAJ’s statement of faith. (SY 11-12:189) Support for the missionary effort in Japan Commitment to CAJ’s mission, beliefs, and philosophy Share the same beliefs as CAJ that the following areas of sexual activity are inappropriate and prohibited by Scripture, and demonstrate a willingness and ability to abide by CAJ behavioral expectations: (SY 15-16:25) Heterosexual activity outside of marriage (premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex) (Heb. 13:4, Eph. 5:3, I Thess. 4:3-8) Homosexual activity (Rom. 1:24-27) (SY 12-13:78; SY 12-13:203, SY 14-15:113) Sexual harassment (I Thess. 4:3-7, Eph. 5:3-5) Possession or habitual, deliberate viewing of pornographic material and websites (I John 2:16, Matt. 5:28) Sexual abuse or improprieties toward minors (Luke 17:1-2) Emotional maturity and good judgment Cross-culturally aware and responsible (SY 15-16:25) Skills, training, and experience appropriate to the position For teaching staff: Clearly articulated philosophy of Christian education, indicating the impact of Christian faith on his/her teaching Bachelor’s degree, and one of the following:
a. Government teacher certification;
b. ACSI teacher certification; or
c. An alternative plan for education approved by the head of school. (SY 06-07:63)

2.2.2 Employ staff in order of priority, when applicants are similarly qualified: (SY 13-14:62) Applicants supplied by founding missions Applicants supplied by other missions Applicants affiliated with a mission (SY 13-14:63) Applicants not affiliated with a mission (SY 10-11:154)

2.2.3 Have a recruiting plan that gives priority to recruiting staff with administrative potential. (SY 08-09:143)

2.2.4 Inform staff that they are ultimately responsible to the board through the head of school.

2.2.5 Inform staff that in their roles at Christian Academy they do not represent their missions.

2.2.6 Have guidelines for hiring divorced applicants.

2.2.7 Establish qualifications for volunteers.

2.2.8 Have all staff sign a contract (SY 05-06:211; SY 10-11:19; SY21-22:127) Have auxiliary staff sign an agreement appropriate to the position they will fulfill (SY21-22:127) Have all volunteers and auxiliary staff sign the child safety code of conduct (SY21-22:127)

2.2.9 When hiring an immediate family member, bring the respective candidate’s file to the Leadership Team for review, discussion and approval. (SY 08-09:133)

2.2.10 When hiring principals, the business manager, or the director of School Support Services, bring the respective candidate’s file to the board meeting for review, discussion and approval. (SY 07-08:72; SY 09-10:140; SY 11-12:183)

2.2.11 Limit contract periods to one or two years at a time.(SY 07-08:66; SY 13-14:93; SY18-19:109) Maintain a policy in which employees normally retire at the end of the school year in which they turn 66. (SY11-12:88; SY18-19:109; SY19-20:118) Make limited exceptions to offer annual contracts beyond age 66 when it is mutually beneficial to CAJ and the employee and aligns with their respective goals. (SY18-19:109; SY19-20:118) Communicate with staff about the retirement age at the appropriate time prior to retirement.(SY18-19:109)

2.2.12 Issue continuing contracts for fulltime mission hire staff on leaves of one or two academic years. (SY 08- 09:106; SY 10-11:76)

2.2.13 Provide job descriptions for staff, monitor the work of each staff member, and provide timely performance reviews that are consistent with stated job expectations and fundamentally designed to foster staff development.

2.2.14 Consistently promote and provide administrator and staff development. (SY 05-06: 171) Identify and develop potential administrators among the staff. (SY 08-09:144)

2.2.15 Communicate to the staff that neither staff, board members, nor their children should be treated more preferentially than any other parent or student.

2.2.16 Operate with appropriate policies on child protection, harassment, and health conditions/medical records that are communicated to staff.

2.2.17 Operate with written personnel policies that clarify personnel rules for staff, provide for effective handling of grievances, and protect against wrongful conditions.

2.2.18 Acquaint staff with the grievance policy. The head of school shall not fail to invite the board chair to explain the grievance policy to the staff near the beginning of the school year. (SY 05-06: 117)

2.2.19 Ensure that staff are not discriminated against for using biblically consistent methods to express ethical/moral dissent concerning superiors.

2.2.20 Ensure that staff are not prevented from grieving to the board when internal grievance procedures have been exhausted and the employee alleges that board policy has been violated to his/her detriment.

2.2.21 Seek board approval for dismissing a staff member or declining to renew a contract. (SY 08-09:105; SY 11-12:87; SY 13-14:93)

2.2.22 Ask exiting staff to give a written reason for leaving, summarize the responses, put a copy in the staff personnel file and give a copy to the board chair (cf 4.4.5) (SY 07-08: 67; SY 12-13:79)

2.2.23 Give no preference to board members, their family members, or those recruited by board members. (cf (SY 12-13:74) Report to the board when a board member is employed by CAJ for the first time. (SY 12-13:75) Report annually to the board about board members employed by CAJ. (SY 12-13:76)

(Removal of former Policy B 2.2.10 – SY 06-07:21)

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