in Japan
Update Form
Alumni, former staff members, former parents, and friends: please give us your latest contact information and an update on your life below. Contact information and name changes will be entered into our database. You may choose how to have us use and share your contact information. We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared with anyone outside of the CAJ community or without your permission.

First name (required)
Last name (required)
Maiden name or yearbook name (if different from last name)

If you are a former CAJ parent, please provide the first names of your children who attended CAJ.

Years at CAJ (alumni and/or former staff)
Alumni Former staff
Graduation year
From CAJ
From another high school
Last year served
You may enter years in both columns if applicable.
E-mail address

E-mail addresses are used only to request contact information updates and to send CAJ e-mail updates.
Mailing address
(no kanji or kana, please)
Zip/Postal Code
Publish my mailing address in the next Alumni News.
Do not publish my mailing address.
Phone number
Country code
Area code
Local number
Publish my phone number in the next Alumni News.
Do not publish my phone number.
Your news for printing in the CAJ newsletter
CAJ reserves the right to edit your submission for content, clarity and space considerations.
Picture upload If you would like to, you can upload a recent picture that CAJ may use in its newsletter.

Enter "Knights" here:


Please check your information for accuracy and click submit. We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared with anyone outside of the CAJ community or without your permission.

By clicking "Submit" you agree to our privacy notice.
Do not change the contents of these two fields:
First name (required)
Last name (required)
Maiden name or yearbook name
(if different from last name)
If you are a former CAJ parent, please provide the first names of your children who attended CAJ.
Years at CAJ
(alumni and/or former staff, you may enter years in both area if applicable.)
Graduation Year
From CAJ
From another high school
Former Staff
Last Year Served
E-mail address (required, used only to request contact information updates and to send CAJ e-mail updates.)
Mailing address
(no kanji or kana, please)
Zip/postal code
Phone number
Country code
Area code
Local number
Your news for posting in the CAJ newsletter
Picture Upload

If you would like to, you can upload a recent picture that CAJ may use in its newsletter.
Enter "Knights" here
Please check your information for accuracy and click submit. We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared with anyone outside of the CAJ community or without your permission.

By clicking "Submit" you agree to our privacy notice.