Admission to CAJ
Thank you for your interest in Christian Academy in Japan (CAJ).
Located in the northwest suburbs of Tokyo, our school was established in 1950 to provide Christ-centered education to the children of evangelical missionaries. While continuing in this purpose, CAJ also serves other families who desire this type of education for their children. Our K-12 program uses English as the language of instruction and a North American curriculum model. CAJ's school year starts in late August and ends at the beginning of June.
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CAJ has what is known as a
rolling admissions*, something many colleges and universities in North America use for their enrollment process. This means we have a long period during which we accept admissions from families

rather than very strict deadlines by which families must apply. We understand that every family has different situations, and living internationally often accentuates the variety of factors that may impact when a family might apply to CAJ. We realize that some families might be moving from schools with very different calendars than ours, so we are also able to consider admissions during our school year in many cases. We also want to make the admissions process fit with what families need, so we accept applications during most of the school year. We want to have conversations with families to find out how CAJ might be able to serve each family and meet each student’s needs, so families can arrange for school tours and have conversations with the Admissions Coordinator even before they begin the admissions process. We are happy to brainstorm with parents and students about what may be the best answer for each child’s educational and social-emotional needs.
- For high school entry (G9 to G12), graduation requirements need to be considered as part of the enrollment process. For details, please contact the Admissions Office.
- For April admission, we strongly encourage applications before January 15 to enable timely processing.
- Applications submitted after May 1 may take longer to process due to the summer break (mid-June to mid-August).
Visit CAJ
Sign up to attend one of our
Open Campus days or
schedule a visit to our
Higashi Kurume campus.
Application Process
- Apply online
Please make sure that you have provided the following items along with your completed application:
- Online application
- Birth certificate or Passport
- Confidential Teacher recommendation form
- Transcript
- Pastor's recommendation (If applicable)
- Application fee payment
- Once the complete application has been reviewed, applicants will be notified.
- Applicants who pass the initial screening process will be contacted to arrange any required testing and interviews. For more about eligibility and admissions priorities, click here.
- Testing
- All Kindergarten and first grade applicants are given a readiness test.
- English language testing may be required of non-native speakers of English at any grade level.
- Standardized test documentation is required for second graders and above. If documentation is unavailable, the applicant may be asked to take a standardized test.
- Interview
Both the parents and the student will be interviewed. For students and families outside of the Tokyo area, Skype or other digital option may be available.
- Decision
- Admission decisions are based on a variety of factors including class availability, English language ability, special needs, and classroom dynamics.
- Admission decisions will be communicated in writing (email and postal mail). In most cases, families are notified within 1-2 weeks of the testing and interview.
Useful Information