Student Objectives
*CAJ's mission is defined in terms of measurable student learning by student objectives (also known as schoolwide learning outcomes, expected schoolwide learning results, and overarching curriculum standards).
- Students achieving the student objectives is one of the board ends.
CAJ's Student Objectives are:[edit]
Faithful Caretakers who . . .[edit]
- Receive all God’s creation - self, others, and the environment - as gifts to be cherished and renewed.
- Care for all God’s creation - self, others, and the environment - and unfold its potential for the flourishing of all and the glory of God.
- Develop physical, social, emotional, moral, and spiritual health.
- Cultivate practices of forming and appreciating beauty.
- Seek God’s truth, goodness, and beauty in and through diverse cultures and languages.
- Serve God and others locally and globally.
Responsible Learners who . . .[edit]
- Understand subject content.
- Develop and apply subject skills.
- Use reliable sources to support conclusions.
- Integrate content and skills across subjects.
- Take initiative and persevere to deepen knowledge.
Discerning Thinkers who . . .[edit]
- Analyze and synthesize diverse perspectives on an issue.
- Identify and evaluate multiple solutions to problems.
- Revise thinking and work in pursuit of excellence.
- Interpret all types of information.
- Apply a Christian perspective to all areas of life and learning.
Productive Collaborators who . . .[edit]
- Create a positive environment that encourages respect, creativity, and flexibility.
- Provide and receive constructive feedback.
Effective Communicators who . . .[edit]
- Employ various forms of communication.
- Engage with and navigate between diverse cultures and languages.