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Academic departments and classroom:[edit]
- Every department and K-5 classroom has a budget that has been approved for the school year.
- To order something, approval is necessary.
- After speaking to your department chair, please fill out a purchase order (found in the business or academic offices) and have it signed by your principal, who will send it to the business manager to process the order.
- Always obtain your supervisors’ approval (department chair and principal) before ordering or buying anything that CAJ will pay for.
- Remember that orders from abroad take at least one or two months to get here.
Process and posting (Business Manager):[edit]
- All school expenditures are guided by annual operating and capital budgets approved by the board of directors and the board of councilors.
- These budgets are prepared using input from staff members and submitted to administrators by department chairs.
- The division leaders, head of school, and business manager review the requests, discuss them with department heads, and then compile the budget for presentation to the boards.
- The head of school recommends a budget to the board for approval.
- Budget fund balances are not carried over to the next school year.
- The school's budget year begins on April 1 and ends on March 31.
- The process of compiling a new budget begins in December and January.
- Textbook orders are normally sent out by April 1 (see Textbooks and Supplies - Ordering Procedures).
- The board approves the new budget in February.
- The account books are closed on March 31 in preparation for an annual audit by a certified public accounting firm.
- Monthly budget reports are posted in SOPHIE to keep everyone informed on the budget status.
- Generally, invoices are paid in the budget year in which goods are received.
Capital Budget[edit]
Generally, items having a value of over ¥50,000 will be considered capital items for budget purposes.