Programs and Services B 2.4

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Section 2 Executive Limitations

2.4 Programs and Services

The head of school shall not fail to ensure that the programs and services provided by Christian Academy in Japan meet or exceed student objectives and accreditation standards and are consistent with the philosophy of Christian Academy in Japan.

Accordingly, the head of school shall not fail to:

2.4.1 Ensure that the program Is communicated in the English language and is based upon an American approach and US educational standards. Fosters the development of a biblical worldview to all of life. Teaches that God's truth is absolute truth. Grounds students in biblical practices and values. Exposes students to both Christian and selected non-Christian worldviews and ideas to train them in biblical discernment. Upholds biblical truth over conflicting theories and worldviews. Refrains from promoting one theory or interpretation as exclusive truth where there is a difference of interpretation of scripture among respected evangelical scholars. Fosters an understanding of world mission and equips students to share the gospel in word and action. Equips students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes so they can love and serve God and others. (SY 05-06: 115) Addresses the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual. Provides a nurturing, inspiring environment. Accommodates students with learning differences, insomuch as staffing, financial resources, and class dynamics permit. Fosters an enduring joy in learning. Provides both college and career preparatory options. Provides a cocurricular program that encourages and supports a high rate of student participation within the school’s financial constraints.

2.4.2 Have student objectives. The student objectives shall be: consistent with board-stated ends consistent with Articles II and III of the Constitution Christ-centered, promoting the development and application of a biblical worldview based on sound, current research and practice measurable for all students applicable to the whole person interdisciplinary attainable The student objectives shall be submitted to the board for review to determine whether they meet the board's established criteria in

2.4.3 Maintain a board-approved school improvement process that is ends-directed and connected to the accreditation process. The process should be ongoing, sustainable, and include a system for using past data and current understanding to anticipate possible future needs and trends. (SY 08-09:107) Provide an annual implementation report of the school improvement process. (SY 08-09:107)

2.4.4 Establish graduation requirements and submit an annual report of graduating seniors to the board at the last regularly scheduled meeting for each academic year. (SY 07-08:14; SY 11-12:110; SY 12-13:219)

2.4.5 Establish a comprehensive curriculum review cycle.

2.4.6 Announce to the CAJ community by the end of January the starting and ending dates for the next two school years, and all holidays in the school calendar for the upcoming school year. The calendar must include no less than 175 teaching days. (SY 05-06:69, SY 21-22:112 )

2.4.7 Collect data on student academic performance in meeting student objectives.

2.4.8 Evaluate the impact of class size, English language ability, and number of students from non-Christian homes within each class.

2.4.9 Maintain accredited status with WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).

2.4.10 Ensure affiliation with ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) and CSI (Christian Schools International).

2.4.11 Seek board approval before eliminating or adding any academic track or new division (i.e. pre-school, International Baccalaureate, etc.).

2.4.12 Maintain a program to support missionary children educated off-campus, with clearly stated goals and criteria.

2.4.13 Ensure that publications and promotional materials of the school conform to the moral and ethical standards of CAJ as expressed in our policy manual and do not endorse or promote explicitly or implicitly positions and activities that are contrary to those standards. (SY19-20:97)

2.4.14 Maintain an identified set of Administrative Policies that can only be modified, added to, or removed by majority action of the Leadership Team. (SY 11-12:188, SY 14-15:33)

(Revised SY 05-06:69; SY 07-08:14; SY 09-10:77)

(Page revised 01/15, 06/15)