in Japan

Building Community at CAJ–and Beyond

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Jean Hino, Elementary Principal

One word often associated with CAJ is community. But being part of the CAJ community goes beyond academic preparation—it’s about living out our vision: equipping students to serve Japan and the world for Christ. This vision is not just taught; it’s modeled by staff, parents, and alumni.

Over the years, the CAJ community has stepped up in remarkable ways, supporting families facing terminal illnesses, prolonged health challenges, new babies, and other life-changing events. From organizing meal schedules to providing respite for caregivers, the community has been a lifeline. Families have opened their homes to students in need of short- and long-term housing, embodying the spirit of generosity and care.

The PTA has also played a vital role in fostering community. Most people remember Thrift Shop—a place to exchange one person’s “treasures” for another’s, but also a chance for parents to work together and build friendships. Before the days of Costco and Amazon, the PTA even operated a store, offering hard-to-find American goods. And who could forget when seniors sold turkeys as part of their fundraising? Meanwhile, CAJ staff members Steve and Barbara Duhrkoop spent many evenings preparing and selling curry rice and baked goods at concessions, creating warm memories for all. Sports events like basketball, volleyball, and wrestling weren’t just competitions—they were entertainment for the whole family.

But the community at CAJ isn’t just about sports. Concerts and plays have regularly filled the auditorium, drawing not just parents but also the wider missionary community. Do you remember the musicals? Some productions even included parents and staff in the cast, while teachers from ASIJ joined the pit orchestra for the 1995–96 production of Fiddler on the Roof. What was your favorite CAJ musical or play?

And our sense of community extends beyond CAJ’s walls. We’ve built relationships with local schools and communities in Japan and beyond. Each year, our seniors travel to Thailand, forming lasting connections. Through these experiences, we not only model but also grow in our understanding of what it means to serve while fostering community.
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