in Japan

Anniversary Trivia Quiz

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How many CAJ trivia questions can you answer correctly? Were you a student at CAJ during any of these events?
Make sure to check the answers at the bottom of this page.

1. What was the annual tuition fee in US dollars when CAJ first opened in 1950?
  1. $100
  2. $200
  3. $400
  4. $800

2. In 1954, the school’s name was changed to Christian Academy in Japan. What was its original name?
  1. Japan Christian Academy
  2. Tokyo Christian School
  3. Japan Evangelical Christian School
  4. Tokyo Christian Academy

3. In what year was the Matsu yearbook first published?
  1. 1951
  2. 1954
  3. 1957
  4. 1960

4. What was discovered at the construction site of the new dining hall in 1964?
  1. Dinosaur fossils
  2. The skeleton of a cow
  3. A World War II bomb
  4. A King James Bible published in the 1700s

5. How many different headmasters or heads of school has CAJ had over its 75-year history?
  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 14
  4. 16

6. True or false: Cheerleading started at CAJ before wrestling.

7. Which two of the following CAJ events (all true) took place in the 1970s?
  1. The band program started
  2. CAJ earned accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
  3. Kindergarten was added
  4. Celebrity look-alikes arrived at CAJ via helicopter

8. Wilderness Camp (formerly known as Stress Camp) remains an annual CAJ tradition for 11th graders during School Without Walls (SWOW) week. When did it start?
  1. 1980
  2. 1985
  3. 1990
  4. 1995

9. The original CAJ gym was built in 1955. When was the current gym constructed?
  1. 1985
  2. 1988
  3. 1991
  4. 1994

10. One of our high school varsity sports teams won the Kanto Plains League for eight consecutive seasons between 1994 and 2001. Which team was it?
  1. Boys’ cross country
  2. Boys’ basketball
  3. Girls’ volleyball
  4. Girls’ field hockey

11. Which event, of the following, took place in 2010?
  1. CAJ closed its boarding program
  2. The high school 1-to-1 laptop program began
  3. The robotics club started
  4. The “headmaster” title was changed to “head of school”

12. What is the name of CAJ’s newest building, completed in 2021?
  1. AED (Arts, Exercise, Digest)
  2. BEE (Band, Exercise, Eat)
  3. MEK (Music, Exercise, Kitchen)
  4. ARK (Arts, Recreation, Kitchen)

Ready to see the answers? Click here.

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