Bible Department at CAJ
Principal Tyrone Fambro, Department Head

The Bible department focuses on who God is and what God does. As the “Bible” department, our starting point is Scripture. Elementary and middle school students build a strong foundation by studying the stories and people of the Bible. High school students build on this foundation by exploring the deeper logic of the Christian faith and choosing from electives on special topics like Apologetics,
Students learn to read the Bible as a beautiful, complex harmony pointing to God’s gift in Christ.
Wisdom Literature, and the Gospels, then exploring the ethical foundations of everything they have learned.
Students learn to read the Bible as a beautiful, complex harmony pointing to God’s gift in Christ. CAJ’s core values helpfully capture how we approach this task. The Bible is central not just because it contains true statements but, more importantly, because it points us to Jesus Christ, the Truth himself who is the very Image of the Father (John 14:6, Col. 1:15). We learn to read the Bible together, in community, because the Spirit who leads us to Christ and conforms us to his image works in the gathered community (Rom. 8:1-17, 1 Cor. 12). We equip students to understand the Bible so that, growing in love of God and neighbor, they serve Japan and the world for Christ.