Student Information

Schedule, HS Student[edit]

Student General guidelines: In making a student schedule, the principal, who will make final decisions regarding student schedules, will consider the following:

  • student needs and input,
  • parent input,
  • past student performance in classes and on standardized tests,
  • teacher recommendations,
  • counselor and registrar input,
  • class size, and
  • availability of courses

The minimum course load is 6 credit classes per semester. A student may take a maximum of 3 AP classes. However, because of the intense homework schedule three AP classes are not recommended. Based on a documented parent appeal, exceptions may be granted by the principal. Due to class size limits, some students may not be able to be enrolled in a particular class. A class may be canceled due to low enrollment. Students may drop/add before the final day of the preceding school year. Unless a course has been acquired over the summer, students will not be able to add or drop a class at the beginning of the school year (see Courses)

Recommendations: Overall schedule: All students are required to take 7 classes for credit each semester. CAJ recommends a well-rounded schedule.

Study halls: All CAJ students must take a study hall. No students is permitted to take 8 classes. College-bound students: CAJ recommends that college-bound students take:

  1. a minimum of 3 maths/3 sciences
  2. one or more AP courses
  3. a reasonably rigorous schedule in the senior year. Students will be better prepared for college if they take an appropriately challenging schedule.

Typical schedules:

  • 9th grade:
    • Bible-PE/Health; English; algebra or geometry; biology; world history; language credit (choice: Japanese, Spanish); 1 fine arts/design credit; study hall.
  • 10th grade:
    • Bible-PE/Health; English; foreign language (choice: Japanese, Spanish); geometry or advanced math; chemistry or physics; 1 fine arts/design credit; study hall
  • 11th grade:
    • Bible-PE/Health; (AP)English; (AP)American history (may be combined into Humanities); foreign language (2nd year); 1 science credit (not compulsory); 2 electives per semester; study hall
  • 12th grade:
    • Bible-PE/Health;(AP) English; Japanese Culture/Global Issues; 3 electives per semester; study hall

HS Index | Previous page: Schedule, Daily | Next page: School Without Walls (SWOW)

Schedule, Daily[edit]

Regular Schedule[edit]

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday[edit]

  • Zero Block 7:20 AM - 8:20 AM
  • First Block 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
  • Second Block 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
  • Third Block 11:25 AM - 12:40 PM
  • Lunch 12:40 PM - 13:25 PM
  • HS Skinny 13:25 PM - 14:10 PM
  • Fourth Block 14:15 PM - 15:30 PM


  • First Block 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
  • Second Block 10:55 AM - 12:10 AM
  • Lunch 12:10 PM - 12:55 PM
  • Third Block 12:55 PM - 14:10 PM
  • Fourth Block 14:15 PM - 15:30 PM


  • Zero Block 7:20 AM - 8:20 AM
  • First Block 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
  • Second Block 9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
  • Third Block 10:20 AM - 11:10 AM
  • Fourth Block 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Half-Day - noon start[edit]

  • Zero Block (decided on individual case)
  • First Block 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
  • Second Block 12:55 PM - 1:45 PM
  • Third Block 1:50 PM - 2:40 PM
  • Fourth Block 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

High School Skinny Block Schedule[edit]

  • Monday - Chapel
  • Tuesday - Homeroom
  • Thursday - Sustained Silent Reading
  • Friday - Clubs

HS Index | Previous page: Saturday School | Next page: Schedule, HS Student

Study Hall[edit]

Effective Use of Study Hall[edit]

  • In the first weeks of a semester, student schedules are changing, and students may not have much work – study hall teachers are to use their judgment as to when to implement a more rigid study atmosphere.
  • Study halls need to be an effective part of slowing down. If students use study halls well, they lighten their homework load and have opportunity to get help/ask questions during the school day.
  • If students are uncooperative and resist repeated efforts to get them to use this time well without distracting others, let the principal know.
  • Feel free to ask the principal questions anytime.

Information for Study Hall Supervisors[edit]

  • What the handbook doesn’t say, but what this means specifically in study halls:
    • Study hall teachers are expected to check each students progress records and, if a student is missing any assignments, not allow that student to leave unless for official or health related reasons. Study hall teachers should also work to provide additional support for those students and ensure they are on task.
    • Study hall teachers should encourage students to check LearnerBuild for any missing assignments at the beginning of each class.
    • Students need a pass to leave study hall. If a teacher from another class would like to see a student during their study hall, the teacher must write a pass for the student to give to their study hall teacher.
    • Students are under study hall teacher direct supervision so need to be somewhere where you can check on them. Students are not to be outside at the picnic tables, not in the atrium, not at the tables upstairs, not in another room, etc. If your study hall is located in an area (for example next to the atrium), where you feel you can effectively monitor students in both places please ask the principal about an exception.
    • Seniors do not have special study hall privileges unless study hall teachers are notified by the principal.
    • We allow students to listen to music on headphones/earpods in study halls (MS students a maximum of 35 minutes).The music should not be so loud that others can hear it when they walk by and their devices should be kept in their bags.
    • Occasionally (not every day) study hall teachers should do a spot check of the library to make sure students who have signed out are where they should be.
    • Students are expected to get to work promptly, come prepared, and to not be a distraction to others. Students can work together at the study hall teacher’s discretion and only if they can do so in a way which doesn’t distract others.
    • Students should feel that they can ask the study hall teacher questions about homework. Study hall teachers will not always be able to help, but please make sure students know you are a resource and someone to ask. Please apply the Nordstrom Principle in study hall as well.
    • Students are expected to come to class with all the necessary study materials and are not to return to their lockers for anything.


The CAJ campus is clearly defined by gates, fences, and walls. The campus is private property, reserved for the use of CAJ community members and others by invitation.

  1. Official supervision by teachers on campus begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday. CAJ assumes no responsibility for students on campus before 8:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. or on weekends. It is the parents’ job to monitor the whereabouts of their children and exercise appropriate intervention if the parents’ wishes are not obeyed. School buildings will be closed after 4:30 pm. Offices will be closed at 5:00pm.
  2. Once students have arrived on campus in the morning, they may not leave until the school day is over.
  3. At no time should students be inside any facility without the permission and supervision of an adult. Students who want to use a facility outside of school hours must ask a supervisor to complete and submit a Facilities Usage Request Form at least one week in advance.
  4. CAJ holds students accountable for appropriate behavior to and from school. Any misbehavior before, during, and after school hours (including smoking, drinking, stealing, vandalism and other disrespectful behavior) will be handled by principal as if it had occurred on the campus.

Food Services, Cafeteria[edit]

CAJ contracts with Cezars Kitchen to run our lunch program and provide food services for events.


In 2014 our kitchen received a major equipment upgrade, allowing Cezars Kitchen to provide variety and low cost options to families.

  • We are pleased to provide daily fresh baked goods from scratch from our new bakery oven.
  • Various snacks, including onigiri, muffins and sandwiches are made fresh each day.
  • A wide variety of vegetables are offered as side dishes a la carte and as part of our set meals.
  • Noodles are available every day to middle and high school students.


  • A la carte plate lunches are available in small and large sizes for ¥300 and ¥450 each.
  • Noodles have proved to be very popular at ¥450.
  • Set lunches include a main dish plus three side dishes for ¥500 and ¥650 respectively for small and large sets.
  • Drinks and ice cream are available for ¥100 each.


CAJ will continue to charge families for cafeteria usage. Charges are added to your account each month for purchases made.


  • For billing questions contact the CAJ business office
  • To contact Cezars at CAJ:

Library and Media Center[edit]

Library Hours[edit]

The library is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:25 p.m. except on Wednesdays, when it is open from 9:00 a.m. until 4:25 p.m. Summer library hours are posted at the beginning of each summer.

Checking out Books[edit]

Books circulate for two weeks during the school year and longer during the summer. Fines are assessed for books returned late and for damaged materials. Lost materials must be paid for by the borrower. Unpaid fines may result in withheld student records.

Library Behavior[edit]

Respectful conduct is expected of all persons using the library so that we can be good stewards of our God-given resources. Abuse of library privileges may result in restricted use of materials and facilities. Use of the computers is prioritized for school work. Educational games or personal use are options only when there are extra computers available.

Library Use[edit]

CAJ students, staff, their families and SSS students are welcome to make use of the library. The primary role of the library is to support the educational and research interests of CAJ students and staff. Because our library serves a wide range of students and families whose interests and needs differ, and because there is a wide range of views within our community on what is appropriate for a library, it should be recognized that not all materials on the shelves are acceptable for every student or family. The library is distinct from the classroom in that free choice is involved in the selection of materials. The librarian cannot be, nor should be, a watchman over the materials an individual student chooses. The librarian cannot know either the wishes of the parents for the children or the maturity level of each individual student. The ultimate responsibility for what a student reads and views rests with the student and the parents.

Collection Policy[edit]

Concerns about the appropriateness of materials in the CAJ library collection should be brought to the attention of the librarian. Please read and follow the process outlined in the Library Collection Policy. If after one has met with the librarian and submitted a request satisfactory resolution of the matter is not reached, an appeal can be made to the head of school.

See also: Library Info] | Who Can Use | Library Catalogue

Guidance center[edit]

  • CAJ provides a variety of services through the K-12 guidance office: study skills, career testing and guidance, college selection advice and information, academic support, course scheduling advice to high school students, and achievement testing. More information at: Guidance
  • The guidance counselor(s) provides limited, non-intensive personal counseling and is an information resource for the community; more serious issues are referred to outside resources.

Health Center[edit]

Health Center[edit]

  • The health center is staffed by a full-time nurse from 8:00 a.m. (9:00 a.m. on Wednesdays) to 4:00 p.m. to help promote the health and safety of students.
  • The nurse administers initial first-aid treatment for illness or injury and is a resource of health information to the community.

Student Illness: When to keep a child home from school[edit]

  • If your child develops a fever (temperature over 37.5°) keep them home. The child may return to school after being fever free for 24 hours without the use of any fever reducing medication.
  • If your child tests positive for COVID-19, follow instructions from the physician regarding isolation guidelines OR keep your child home for 5 days after the onset of symptoms (day of onset is day 0) and the child may return to school on day 6 as long as they have been fever free for 24 hours and any symptoms (coughing, sneezing, sore throat, etc.) have improved. We ask that your child wear a mask after returning to school until day 10.
  • If your child tests positive for influenza, follow instructions from the physician regarding how long the child should stay home.

Health Forms[edit]

  • All new students are required to submit completed Health History, Physical Examination, and Tuberculosis Screening forms before attending classes.
  • The Health History form, to be completed by the parents, includes general health information, allergy information and immunization history. Please answer all the questions on the form. You may attach a photocopy of the immunization record in English or Japanese if you wish.
  • The Physical Examination form, to be completed by your physician, consists of a general review of body systems and should include a discussion of your child’s immunizations. Please use this opportunity to update any missing or outdated immunizations such as measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and tetanus. These exams should be completed no earlier than six months before the student's first day of school. The physical form must be submitted before the student may attend classes.
  • A screening for tuberculosis is required for all new students. Please answer all the questions on the Tuberculosis Screening form and present the form to your physician at the time of the physical examination. If your physician determines that risk factors for TB are present, he will perform the tuberculosis skin test (PPD) or chest x-ray. If your child has no risk factors, as determined by your physician, further testing is not indicated. Please return the Tuberculosis Screening form to school along with the other forms. The Tuberculosis Screening form has been translated into Japanese for your convenience.
  • Each family is required to submit a yearly Student Emergency form for each of their children. This form grants the nurse permission to administer care and selected medications, provides updated medical information, and an alternate contact person for emergency situations when the parent cannot be reached.
  • If it becomes necessary to send a student home during the school day, the nurse will contact the parent or the alternate contact person to make necessary arrangements.


Please look for the Health History, Physical Examination/Sports Physicals, and Tuberculosis Screening in School Forms.

Taking Medications at School[edit]

The school nurse can assist the students in taking prescription medication during the school day if:

  • The parents fill out the Permission to Administer Prescription Medication form (in School Forms).
  • The medications are in the original packaging.

Food Allergy Policy[edit]

For more information, please read the Food Allergy Policy.

Health Screenings[edit]

  • CAJ's health coordinator (school nurse) conducts annual health screenings on all students.
  • The screenings typically take place during October, November, and December, beginning with elementary students.
  • Screenings for height, weight, and vision are conducted for all students. *Hearing screening is included for elementary students (grades K, 1, 3, and 5).
  • Parents receive yearly screening results via email.

Communicable Disease[edit]

For more information, please read the Communicable Disease Prevention Policy.

Accident Insurance[edit]

  • CAJ offers a worldwide accident insurance plan to supplement health insurance policies. CAJ pays the fees directly (families are not billed separately) so that all students are covered by accident insurance.
  • Coverage pays whether the accident happens in Japan or not and whether school is in session or not.
  • All families should have primary health and accident insurance in place, as required by Japanese law. Any expenses that are not covered by our accident policy are the responsibility of the family and the family's primary insurance vendor.
  • Parents or students who witness an accident are encouraged to report the incident to a CAJ staff person as soon as possible.


Chapel Guidelines[edit]

At CAJ, chapel holds a special meaning because it is a time or worship and learning more about God and His Word. However, it is also an example of a public lecture with an audience, and there are certain behaviors society expects from an audience.

  • As an audience in a chapel service, there are many appropriate behaviors. It is appropriate to sing when led to do so, to stand or sit as directed, to listen actively and think carefully and critically. It is appropriate to laugh when the speaker says something funny and to clap when he or she is finished with the talk.
  • In any formal public speaking occasion, there are also inappropriate behaviors. These would include using electronic devices, doing homework, talking to others or sleeping. In a chapel, there are some behaviors that might not be considered inappropriate in other settings, but appear disrespectful in chapel. For example, it appears disrespectful when students choose to sit when others are standing during prayer or singing. This is not a comprehensive list of all disrespectful or inappropriate behaviors, but we expect students to follow normal rules of polite society.

All students attend chapel regularly. Chapel is designed to be a time of inspiration, worship, praise, teaching from God's Word, and promotion of spiritual growth. At least once a year, a special speaker is invited to interact with students during Spiritual Life Emphasis Week (SLEW), which includes a special chapel every day and discussions with the speaker during some classes when possible. Students are expected to respect all speakers and practice good audience behavior.

Elementary chapel[edit]

The elementary chapel coordinator sets the dates, books singing chapel leaders, puts in the on campus requests, etc.

  • Grades K-5 meet for chapel on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 8:30-9:00. Please watch the announcements for the week
  • Elementary also has a first day of school assembly and a closing assembly on the last day of school.
  • Elementary parents are welcome to attend chapel.

Secondary Chapel[edit]

The secondary chapel coordinator is responsible for middle and high school chapels.

  • All full-time secondary teachers and educational support staff are expected to attend.
  • Part time staff and others are also encouraged to attend.
  • Homeroom teachers may be asked to sit with their students in the assigned area for both chapels and assemblies to help students learn about appropriate behavior for these kinds of activities.

Lockers and property[edit]

  • Lockers and other property (personal and school) A fundamental principle for our life together is respect for each other, which includes each other's property. We expect that everyone who shares the use of school facilities will help to take good care of them as part of our desire to be good stewards of the resources God has given us to use. Those who are disrespectful will make restitution with their time and their yen. There is no insurance to pay for personal or school property that is abused.
  • CAJ provides storage space for every student for personal items.
  • Students in Grades 6-12 are assigned school and PE lockers, and combination locks are provided for security. Students are expected to keep their lockers locked at all times. High School students see also: Locks
  • All lockers and school desks are school property loaned to students. Principals may inspect lockers and desks at any time.
  • Damage to lockers (which includes anything students stick on that won't come off) will be repaired and students billed for the cost.
  • Unfortunately, occasionally a member of our community does not respect the property of others. Don't leave money or things of value where others may take them. If you must take something valuable to school, ask a teacher or someone in the office to keep it for you until you need it. Report suspected thefts immediately to the academic office.
  • P.E. lockers, which are especially vulnerable to theft, must be locked at all times (except, obviously, when you are placing or removing items). PE lockers that are left unlocked will be secured by a second padlock and you will have to:
  1. retrieve your padlock from your principal, #ask the PE teachers to let you into your locker, and
  2. you will be required to miss the next PE class or athletic practice (you will be allowed to play in a game if it is the next day).


Students in grades 6-12 will be issued two combination locks without charge when they are admitted.

  • These locks will remain the property of CAJ, but students are responsible for them - including over summer breaks.
    • Starting in 2012-13 students will no longer turn in their locks each year. Students can expect lockers to be checked for the appropriate locks at the beginning of each year.
    • Students must use the locks issued by the school and may not substitute other locks, even if they are the same brand and type.
    • Students will turn these locks in to the academic office when they graduate, leave CAJ, or go on leave or furlough.
    • Locks will be traded when students move from 8th grade to high school because of shared lockers in middle school.
  • Students are responsible for keeping their gym and school lockers locked with an approved padlock at all times the student is not present.
    • Students should never enter another student's locker without permission.
    • Students should never borrow textbooks, locks, etc. without permission.
    • CAJ cannot be responsible for replacing stolen, misplaced or borrowed items.
    • If students believe their combination number has been compromised (someone else knows their combination), they may request a new combination or lock and they will not be charged for the replacement.
  • Student lockers and the contents are not considered private space, and CAJ can access lockers if necessary using our database of combinations and the master keys.
  • If a lock is lost, stolen or damaged through neglect, whether during the school year or during summer break, student accounts will be charged ¥1000 per lock for replacement.

Personal Device Policy[edit]

We value communication and interactions that happen between all members of the CAJ community. Although we acknowledge that technology can help us communicate and interact with others, we believe that this cannot replace what we gain through face-to-face interactions. Therefore, to encourage healthy communication and interactions, we are implementing the following guidelines:

  • Cell phones or other personal electronic devices (including the Apple Watch, personal computers, or similar communication devices) may not be used on campus during school hours by middle/high school students. (“School hours” begin when a student passes through the gate.) Students must keep personal devices in their bags or lockers during school hours, not in their pockets. Students may not have ear buds or other headphones (unless they have permission) in their ear during school hours unless in study hall or during lunch in the designated area (see below). Students may not use their devices during break even if they are off campus. Chromebooks may not be used in-between classes for non-educational purposes.
  • Exceptions to this are the following situations:
    • High School students may use personal devices in the cafeteria and on the cafeteria porch during high school lunch hours.
    • Teachers may give permission to use personal devices for educational purposes during class. (If students are working outside of the classroom, they need to have a device pass.)
    • Middle and high school students may use their personal devices after the last block, but not in the academic building.
    • Students may listen to music during study hall or in class if the teacher allows, as long the personal device is kept in bag.
  • Consequences: Cell phones and other electronic devices used inappropriately will be confiscated and must be reclaimed from the principal at the end of the school day.
    • Consequences are the following:
      First offense: warning
      Second offense: parents notified
      Third offense: parents notified and 1 hour detention
      Fourth offense: conference with parents and contract issued
      Fifth offense: in-school suspension, conference with parents, discussion of future
    • If a cell phone or other electronic device is confiscated because certain types of inappropriate behavior are suspected (harassment, cheating, pornography, illegal activities, etc.), the principal may examine the contents of the device. At least one other staff person will be present during the examination.
    • Students may be required to provide access and show the administrator what is preserved in the memory.

Personal belongings[edit]

All personal belongings, including school-related materials, are to be kept in student lockers. Backpacks are not to be left unattended. This is for safety in an emergency, to avoid theft, and to keep our campus attractive.

  • Items left in the classrooms will be collected by the classroom teacher and delivered to the Lost and Found.
  • Items left in hallways or in other common areas of the school will be collected by staff and taken to the Lost and Found.
  • School laptops and other resources should not be left unattended and will be taken to Lost and Found or the academic office.
  • Backpacks should not be left unattended and will be taken to Lost and Found or the academic office.
  • Students who want their things back can inquire of one of the librarians, check in the gym or ask at the office (after checking the other two places).
  • Umbrellas are personal property and should not be borrowed without the owner’s permission. See also: Lost and found.

HS Index | Previous page: Passes | Next page: Plagiarism


  • Textbooks are bar coded and electronically checked out to students (like a library book).
  • Textbooks are loaned to students by CAJ and should be returned showing reasonable wear. Therefore we encourage students to cover textbooks with sturdy paper or plastic covers. Some teachers may require students to cover books.
  • Students who lose textbooks will be charged a replacement fee; students who damage books will be charged a damage fee.
  • Some AP classes require purchasing texts.

HS Index | Previous page: Technology Guide, Student | Next page: Theme, School Wide

Apparel and Gear[edit]

Students, teams or groups that wish to purchase custom and non-CAJ provided apparel (including t-shirts) or gear for their own group must follow this process. Note: Items that are to be sold as a fundraiser must be approved by the Department of Development, divisional principal, and head of school. All fundraising requests must be approved separately.

  1. Students must first get written permission to purchase and distribute the item from the Department of Development, team coach or sponsor, and the divisional principal using this form: Apparel and Gear Approval Form.
    • The design must also be approved by the Department of Development, coach or sponsor, the athletic or fine arts director, the divisional principal, and the head of school.
    • The overall design must include CAJ branding in most cases: CAJ or Christian Academy in Japan. If the word “Knights” is on the apparel then CAJ, Christian Academy in Japan, or CAJ’s logo also need to be on the design.
    • Students cannot create or draw their own Knights mascot. 
    • When writing "CAJ" or "Christian Academy in Japan", the font and size need to be clear and legible.
    • For student-created clothing, the gear needs to be one of four colors unless otherwise approved: royal blue, gold, gray, or white. The shirts also need to include the following colors:
      • Royal blue colored gear: the design needs to include gold
      • Gold colored gear: the design needs to include royal blue
      • Gray colored gear: the design needs to include royal blue and gold
      • White colored gear: the design needs to include royal blue and gold
    • The purchase process should be discussed with the CAJ purchasing manager or CAJ business manager before proceeding.
    • In most cases the items should be ordered by CAJ and the families billed by the school. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the business manager.
  2. Students and parents must be contacted before the items are ordered, informed of the price, shown the design when possible, and clearly told that the purchase is voluntary.
    • There can be no pressure or expectation put on purchasing non-uniform or non-required gear or items.
    • Students and parents must indicate before the items are ordered that they are committed to the purchase by signing this form:  Parent Permission Apparel and Gear Form.
      • The student organizer(s) should fill out all information on the parent permission form except student name, parent signature, and dates.
      • It is okay to put the same information into an email and print parent responses that indicate they understand the type of item being purchased, the approximate cost, and that their account will be billed.
  3. Students will submit the signed purchase forms and complete the ordering process with the business office purchasing manager. 

All forms must be submitted before March 31st. Forms are not accepted in December, May, or June.


  • Many CAJ students commute to school by train. Students may request school verification forms for reduced train fare passes at the business office. Please apply one week prior to going to the local train station to purchase/renew a pass by filling out the form in the school forms area of the CAJ website.
  • Students older than 12 who are taking a JR train trip longer than 100 kilometers may apply for a special 20% discount form (gakuwari) in the business office.
  • CAJ is responsible for students on the trains and train platforms, and all school rules apply.
  • In addition, train regulations forbid the following:
    • Falsifying name, age, date, stations, or other items on the pass
    • Using another person's pass
    • Combining a ticket with a pass and not paying for stations in between
    • Failing to show the pass to train officials upon request
  • In addition to these legal requirements, CAJ students are expected to be polite, courteous, and well-mannered to and from school.
  • Students are expected not to:
    • Roughhouse on the trains or platforms
    • Hold the train doors open for friends who are late
    • Sit on the floors or stand on the seats of the trains
    • Swing from the handstraps
    • Block others from getting on or off the trains
    • Chase each other from car to car or on the platforms
    • Throw things out of the windows
    • Eat or drink on the trains
    • Run through the turnstiles to avoid paying
    • Create disturbances by loud or obnoxious behavior or by inappropriate use of cell phones, for example Train officials can suspend a train pass or charge substantial fines for misconduct. In addition,
  • CAJ may:
    • Reroute or reschedule a student’s travel
    • Require parents to accompany the student to make an apology to the stationmaster
    • Take other disciplinary action as necessary.

Lost and found[edit]

Lost and Found items are kept in the library and the gym. Please check in each location when looking for a lost item. Unclaimed items can be donated to one of the twice yearly PTA Thrift shops without notice.

Senior privileges[edit]

At the beginning of the year, seniors may propose and negotiate special privileges with the principal because seniors are the oldest and presumably most responsible students at CAJ. Privileges will be granted in exchange for a commitment from seniors to set an example for younger students. Proposals and resulting negotiations are the responsibility of class officers. Seniors may lose their privileges either individually or as a class if conditions of their agreement are not met.

HS Index | Previous page: School Without Walls (SWOW) | Next page: Skateboards, Rollerblades, Scooters

Food Allergy Policy[edit]

Food Allergy Policy (including nut-free campus guidelines) [edit]

The Christian Academy in Japan is committed to providing an educational environment that is as safe as possible for all students and staff, including those with food allergies. Since food allergies can be life threatening, CAJ’s Food Allergy Policy focuses on primary prevention of allergic reactions by helping students avoid contact with offending allergens as much as possible. Students can avoid exposure to food allergens most effectively when the parents, student, and school work in partnership. For this reason, CAJ’s food allergy policy identifies the responsibilities of the parents, student, and school in preventing exposure to food allergens and on prompt and effective treatment procedures following accidental exposure to food allergens.

Individuals may be allergic to a wide variety of food substances (wheat, milk, eggs, shellfish, coconut) as well as non-food substances (bee stings, latex); however, reactions to peanuts and other nuts (pine-nuts, almonds, walnuts) are the most common causes of severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis. Therefore, CAJ’s Food Allergy Policy focuses on reducing the risk of exposure to nut allergens by instituting a reasonably nut-free campus. In the context of CAJ, reasonably nut-free means that as standard practice:

  • Food prepared by school staff in the dining hall, home economics room, and senior concessions is made using nut-free ingredients.
  • All individuals who prepare food for sale at bake sales and student concessions are asked to avoiding using ingredients containing nuts and nut products.
  • Food from home including student lunches, snacks, and food to share should be made without ingredients containing nuts and nut products.

Reasonably nut-free does not mean that CAJ guarantees the absolute safety of all food for individuals with nut allergies because CAJ cannot be assured that all ingredients in food items are clearly labeled and identifiable by those preparing food nor that all community members and guests are in compliance. In addition, food prepared or sold at CAJ may contain food ingredients that have been produced in factories that process nuts. Within these parameters, CAJ is committed to doing everything that is reasonably possible to protect students and staff who have nut allergies from accidental exposure to allergens.

Parents of students with any known food allergies should discuss their child’s allergy with the school nurse before school begins or when new allergies develop during the school year so that appropriate interventions may be initiated.

Parent/Guardian's Responsibilities[edit]

  • Notify the school nurse of the student’s allergies.
  • Document the allergy on all relevant school documents such as the Health History form and yearly Student Emergency form.
  • Provide written medical documentation, instructions, and medications as prescribed by a physician. The school nurse will then formulate an Emergency Action Plan in coordination with the parents.
  • Provide a signed Exchange of Confidential Information form signed by the prescribing physician to the school nurse if requested.
  • Provide properly labeled medications (antihistamine and/or epinephrine) to the school nurse. Epinephrine is currently available by prescription in Japan.
  • Understand that information regarding food allergy will be shared with the student’s teacher(s), classmates and their parents, and other CAJ staff who will have frequent contact with the student.
  • Educate the student in the self-management of his/her food allergy:
    • Safe and unsafe foods.
    • Strategies for avoiding exposure of unsafe foods such as reading food labels, avoiding unlabeled food, and avoiding shared food.
    • His/her individual symptoms and progression of allergic reaction (mild reaction to anaphylaxis).
    • How and when to tell an adult they may be having an allergic reaction.
  • Review dining hall lunch menus and provide alternative meals and snacks when needed. Consult with the dining hall supervisor about menu ingredients as needed.
  • During community events and on bake sale days, remind students not to purchase food items since CAJ is unable to assure the safety of food items sold at those events for students with food allergies. Students with severe food allergies should not purchase food at student run concessions and great caution should be used in the dining hall.
  • Review procedures and policies after a reaction has occurred with school nurse in order to assess the efficacy of Emergency Action Plan and make revisions if needed.
  • If a student has food allergies or dietary needs that may not fit within our food allergy policy, parents may contact the school nurse to see if an individual variation is acceptable and manageable, subject to approval by the divisional principal.

Student Responsibilities[edit]

  • Should not trade food with others.
  • Should not consume foods with unknown ingredients or known to contain allergens.
  • Should not consume bake sale items since these foods may contain allergens and should use extreme caution and follow parental advice when purchasing food at concessions, community events, and bake sales.
  • Should be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies and reactions based on their developmental level.
  • Notify an adult immediately if they eat something they believe may contain the food to which they are allergic.
  • Carry prescribed emergency medications at all times.
  • Be aware of his or her personal Food Allergy Action Plan.
  • Report any instances of stigmatization to teacher, school nurse, or guidance counselor.

CAJ’S Responsibilities[edit]

  • As standard practice, the dining hall, home economics room, and senior concessions will avoid preparing, serving, and/or selling food (inclusive of manufactured food) that contains nuts or nut products. CAJ is unable to completely ensure that all food products on campus do not inadvertently contain nuts or nut products due to improper or incomplete labeling. Food products are used and sold at CAJ that may have been made in the same facility as nut products.
  • Ensure school designated volunteers, coaches, and substitute teachers are aware of school policy that prohibits them from providing snacks containing nuts or nut products to students.
  • Be prepared to handle a reaction and ensure that a properly trained staff member is available to administer medications during the school day.

Teacher Responsibilities[edit]

  • Exercise extreme caution when accepting snacks from parents to share among students. Prepared foods with readable labels provide the greatest safety.
  • For day and overnight class trips, consult with school nurse regarding student allergy precautions, obtain copy of Emergency Action Plan and emergency medication, and inform chaperones of student allergies. Whenever possible, assign students with allergies to a CAJ staff member or the student’s parent/guardian. Off campus trips for student groups without known nut related allergies are allowed to use nuts and nut products.
  • Ensure students with allergies are not stigmatized.
  • Report any actual or suspected student allergic reaction to the school nurse immediately.

School Nurse Responsibilities[edit]

  • Review health records submitted by parents and complete Emergency Action Plan.
  • Review Emergency Action Plan with student and/or parent.
  • Notify staff who interact with the student of the allergy, symptoms, treatment plan, and location of emergency medications.
  • Designate and train school personnel who are able to administer emergency medications during the school day.
  • Manage/treat students who are having an allergic reaction.

Other Information[edit]

HIGH RISK VENUES (community events and bake sales)
CAJ cannot assure the food allergy safety of food served or sold at bake sales or during community events. During public events such as sports games or music festivals, we cannot ensure that visitors do not bring nuts or nut products onto campus. To minimize the potential risk for an allergic reaction, parents and students are requested to abide by the following rules:

  • All individuals who prepare food for sale at bake sales and student concessions are asked to avoiding using ingredients containing nuts and nut products when preparing food for sale at these venues.
  • Parents/guardians of students with food allergies should discuss safe food options with their child before the event so that the child can avoid accidental ingestion of food with unknown or “unsafe” ingredients.
  • Students with nut allergies should not consume food items available at bake sales and should exercise extreme caution when consuming food items available at student-run concessions.

Insurance, Accident[edit]

  • CAJ offers a worldwide accident insurance plan to supplement health insurance policies. CAJ pays the fees directly (families are not billed separately) so that all students are covered by accident insurance.
  • Coverage pays whether the accident happens in Japan or not and whether school is in session or not.
  • All families should have primary health and accident insurance in place, as required by Japanese law. Any expenses that are not covered by our accident policy are the responsibility of the family and the family's primary insurance vendor.
  • Parents or students who witness an accident are encouraged to report the incident to a CAJ staff person as soon as possible.

Communicable Disease Prevention Policy[edit]


The Christian Academy in Japan strives to promote mental, physical, and spiritual health from a biblical perspective. In striving toward this goal, we strive to balance the needs of the individual with those of the community. One of our efforts to that end is the prevention, control, and containment of communicable diseases.

Common Communicable Diseases[edit]

  1. Diseases which are transmitted through casual contact or airborne route may include, but are not limited to:
    • Common childhood diseases
    • Strep throat
    • Influenza
    • Lice
    • Tuberculosis
  2. Immunization Schedule — CAJ strongly recommends that students' basic immunizations be completed according to the Japanese or US schedule. In order to encourage parents to complete immunizations, this recommendation will be included in the student handbook, parent letters,, etc., whenever applicable. The school nurse will maintain student records of immunization data, waivers, and exclusions, and issue exposure notices as needed in order to reduce continued transmission of disease.
  3. Health History and Physical Examination Forms — The head of school, in consultation with the school nurse, will exclude students from school who fail to submit the completed Health History and Physical Examination Forms by the first day of school. These forms, required of all new students and those entering grades 6 and 9, include a student’s medical history, immunization data, and a physical examination dated within 6 months from when the student begins classes. TB screening dated within 6 months from when the student begins classes is required for all new students and those entering grade 6. Exceptions will be allowed at the discretion of the school nurse. For new students and students entering grades 6 and 9 who participate in co-curricular sports, the Health History and Physical Examination forms will be valid for one calendar year from the date of the physical examination. All other middle school and high school students participating in co-curricular sports must submit a yearly sports physical. (SY 00-01: 186; SY 01-02: 85)
  4. Waivers for Parents Refusing Immunization — Parents who refuse immunizations for their children must sign a waiver stating that they absolve the school of any liability related to the possible consequences to these children in the event of an outbreak of a communicable disease at school or during school activities. The waiver includes an understanding that the school may exclude non-immunized children from school for a specified period of time if certain communicable diseases are found at school.
  5. Exclusion From School — The head of school or school nurse may exclude students from school who are suspected to have or are diagnosed with a communicable disease, or whose exposure to a communicable disease may threaten the well-being of that individual. The school nurse may request a physician's note documenting a student's health status upon returning to school following any communicable disease.
  6. School Closings for Communicable Disease Outbreaks — The decision to close school due to communicable disease outbreaks will be made by the head of school. Consultation on such decisions may be held with the school nurse, the occupational health doctor, and the leadership team.
  7. Sharing of Medical Information — Individuals known to have or carry a communicable disease may be asked to submit medical information to the head of school and school nurse. It is within the head of school and/or school nurse's prerogative to share this information with other staff members if necessary.

Serious Chronic or Communicable Diseases[edit]

  1. Serious infectious diseases transmitted by blood-borne pathogens through contact with bodily fluids include, but are not limited to, hepatitis viruses and HIV.
  2. In the event a prospective student or employee has a serious chronic condition or any infectious communicable disease (HIV, hepatitis, TB, etc.), the following procedures will be followed:
    1. Interview — The head of school will conduct an interview including, but not limited to, the student and parent or prospective employee and review with them a recent physician’s report of the person's current health status. The report must have been written within three months. The physician may be contacted directly by the head of school or school nurse.
    2. Consultation Regarding Enrollment or Employment — The head of school will consult with the division principal and school nurse and make a determination about enrollment based on the student's age, grade level, health status, and parent(s) and student's understanding and attitudes toward the disease, as well as the mode of transmission.
    3. In the case of a prospective employee, the head of school will consult with the division principal and school nurse and make a determination about employment, based on the person's age, health status, and understanding and attitudes toward the disease, as well as the mode of transmission.
    4. (IHP) Individualized Health Plan — If the student is enrolled, an individualized health plan (IHP) will be written regarding any accommodations or restrictions the student may need due to the serious chronic condition or the communicable disease. The IHP will be shared with the appropriate staff and will strive to provide for the total well-being of the student, both as an individual and in relationship to the entire school community.
  3. Change in Health Status — If a student or employee who is currently at CAJ should later test positive for HIV, hepatitis viruses, etc., that person will be subject to the same procedure.

The CAJ Community[edit]

  1. Universal Precautions Procedures — In addition to known carriers, the school recognizes the possibility that within the CAJ community there may also be those who are unknown carriers of a communicable disease; therefore, all school personnel shall practice procedures related to the prevention and containment of communicable diseases as described in the CAJ Universal Precautions Procedures. The emphasis of the Universal Precautions Procedures is on the protection of all persons rather than on the identification and discrimination of infected persons. The procedures will be printed in the student handbook and staff hand book, and updated as necessary.
  2. Emergency Situations — It is understood that in some emergency situations it may not be possible to apply universal precautions; however, emergency action should never be delayed, since the risk of transmission of blood-borne diseases is too small to justify endangering a child.
  3. Health Education — Every effort must be made to provide appropriate health education, including information on the prevention and containment of communicable diseases.

Communicable Disease Health Records[edit]

Communicable Disease Health Records

  1. As a condition of employment, CAJ will provide an annual staff health examination including a blood test and a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray acts as a screening for tuberculosis.
  2. These records must be updated at least once every three years.
  3. In the event a prospective employee has a serious chronic condition or any infectious communicable disease (HIV, hepatitis, TB, etc.), the following procedure will be followed:
    1. The head of school will conduct an interview with the prospective employee and review with him/her a report of his/her current health status written in the past three months. The physician may be contacted directly by the head of school or the school nurse.
    2. The head of school will consult with the division principal and school nurse and make a determination about employment, based on the person's age, current health status, and understanding and attitude toward the disease and the method of transmission.
    3. Any restriction of duties will be outlined in writing by the head of school and division principal prior to the beginning of the employee's duties.
    4. Currently employed staff members who test positive for HIV, hepatitis, TB, etc., shall be subject to the same procedure. (Adopted SY 93-94:35; amended SY 97-98:236)

Emergency instructions[edit]

  • Closing: If school is closed because of bad weather or some other emergency, we will:
    • Post the closure on the CAJ website
    • Send an emergency closing announcement by email to all CAJ families
    • Activate a school closing message in the academic office 042-471-0022
  • Disasters: The school is equipped with generator power as well as emergency supplies of food and water. In the aftermath of a disastrous situation that occurs while school is in session:
    • Until a general “all clear” statement is issued by authorities, students will not be permitted to leave campus without administrative consent or being accompanied by a parent or guardian;
    • No student will use the CAJ telephone unless directed. Cellular phones may be used by students.
  • Parental responsibilities are as follows:
    • Ensure that students carry school and other identification cards with them at all times
    • Advise children of the necessary actions and responsibilities if caught en route to/from school