High School Behavioral Expectations

Our Life Together[edit]


Whenever people gather together as a community they tend to establish ways to get along with each other and function as a group. At Christian Academy in Japan, our goal is to learn and grow together in truth as a community, reflecting God’s image individually and as a group. At times we all fall short of loving each other as we ought. We desire for reconciliation and recognize that these are essential skills not only for our life together here at CAJ but also for our lives outside of school as well.

Expectations of Each Community Member[edit]

In our life together at CAJ we expect

  • For students
    • To be responsible to the CAJ community as well as the greater Japanese community.
    • To make choices that promote a safe, healthy environment in which they fully participate.
    • To be respectful to God, self and others in all circumstances.
    • To know and abide by the expectations outlined in the handbook.
  • For parents
    • To know, understand and support the Parent Responsibility agreement. (Link to form)
  • For staff
    • To provide diligent, responsible, caring attention to the needs of the whole child
    • To communicate with students and parents regarding academic and or behavioral progress.
    • To model a Christ-like lifestyle.

When and if these expectations are not met or broken, we at CAJ will always try to follow the teachings from the Bible when we need to address issues with each other, as well as following the Child Protection Policy. We would like to see and support the growth and a heart change in the behavior of the person(s) involved.

Disciplinary Terms Defined[edit]

  • Monitoring: a status most commonly used for new admissions, whereby the student is observed to ensure s/he can succeed academically, behaviorally and socially at CAJ.
  • Detention: when a student is asked by their teacher or the principal to come before or after school for up to 30min. for disciplinary reasons.
  • Probation: a status in which a student is placed for a specified period of time, because of misconduct or lack of achievement. This may result in suspension or expulsion, if no improvement is made.
  • Suspension: a penalty under which a student is not permitted to attend classes for a specified period of time.
  • Expulsion: the exclusion of a student from the school with no credit being given for that semester’s work.
  • Withdrawal: an action taken by the parents to remove their child from school.
  • Denial of Re-enrollment: the student is allowed to finish the school year but is not allowed to return.

Due Process and Appeals[edit]

  • Parents of students who are placed on probation or are suspended will be notified in writing.
  • Parents will be notified in person and in writing of the head of school’s recommendation for expulsion prior to board action on this recommendation.
  • All disciplinary actions may be appealed using the Grievance Policy.

A Welcoming Campus[edit]

To keep our campus safe and a welcoming place, we ask that you follow these guidelines:

  • Greet people when you see someone. When people say hello, look them in the eye and say hello back. Smile. Even when people do not greet you, greet them first.
  • This is a K-12 school, which means there are a lot of people younger than you watching what you do and what you say. Be a good example to them.
  • Do not bring any dangerous items such as guns, knives, fireworks, lighters, etc. If you need to bring a toy weapon for a skit or play, you must first receive permission from your teacher and only use it during the specified time.
  • Do not bring or use tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs on or near school grounds, at any school-sponsored events, or anywhere within the jurisdiction of the school. Any student who is found to possess, sell, give away, or use any illegal or harmful substance such as drugs (including alcohol and tobacco) will be in "serious trouble."
  • Do not litter. Please put trash in the appropriate trash can. If you see trash on the ground, please pick it up and throw it away.
  • Do not damage property. Writing on things on the wall, breaking things, and even taking things off the wall that is not yours, etc. are all considered vandalism.
  • Do not steal. It’s not “borrowing” if you haven’t asked the owner if you can borrow it. If it’s not yours to take, don’t take it unless it’s offered to you by the owner.
  • At CAJ, we value community. Physical contact other than friendly behavior generally excludes other people and can make others feel uncomfortable. We encourage warm friendships and relationships between students, but we ask that students do not engage in physical demonstrations of affection during school hours and school-related activities.

Apparel and Gear (School Spirit)[edit]

Students, teams or groups that wish to purchase custom and non-CAJ provided apparel (including t-shirts) or gear for their own group must follow this process. Note: Items that are to be sold as a fundraiser must be approved by the Department of Development, divisional principal, and head of school. All fundraising requests must be approved separately.

  1. Students must first get written permission to purchase and distribute the item from the Department of Development, team coach or sponsor, and the divisional principal using this form: Apparel and Gear Approval Form.
    • The design must also be approved by the Department of Development, coach or sponsor, the athletic or fine arts director, the divisional principal, and the head of school.
    • The overall design must include CAJ branding in most cases: CAJ or Christian Academy in Japan. If the word “Knights” is on the apparel then CAJ, Christian Academy in Japan, or CAJ’s logo also need to be on the design.
    • Students cannot create or draw their own Knights mascot. 
    • When writing "CAJ" or "Christian Academy in Japan", the font and size need to be clear and legible.
    • For student-created clothing, the gear needs to be one of four colors unless otherwise approved: royal blue, gold, gray, or white. The shirts also need to include the following colors:
      • Royal blue colored gear: the design needs to include gold
      • Gold colored gear: the design needs to include royal blue
      • Gray colored gear: the design needs to include royal blue and gold
      • White colored gear: the design needs to include royal blue and gold
    • The purchase process should be discussed with the CAJ purchasing manager or CAJ business manager before proceeding.
    • In most cases the items should be ordered by CAJ and the families billed by the school. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the business manager.
  2. Students and parents must be contacted before the items are ordered, informed of the price, shown the design when possible, and clearly told that the purchase is voluntary.
    • There can be no pressure or expectation put on purchasing non-uniform or non-required gear or items.
    • Students and parents must indicate before the items are ordered that they are committed to the purchase by signing this form:  Parent Permission Apparel and Gear Form.
      • The student organizer(s) should fill out all information on the parent permission form except student name, parent signature, and dates.
      • It is okay to put the same information into an email and print parent responses that indicate they understand the type of item being purchased, the approximate cost, and that their account will be billed.
  3. Students will submit the signed purchase forms and complete the ordering process with the business office purchasing manager. 

All forms must be submitted before March 31st. Forms are not accepted in December, May, or June.

Appropriate Behavior at School[edit]

Academic Integrity Policy[edit]

Academic integrity is very important to our work at CAJ. Our Core Values and Student Objectives call for a learning community in which teachers and students conduct themselves with honesty and humility before God, and with care and respect toward their neighbors.


The purpose of CAJ’s Academic Integrity Policy is twofold. First, we seek to guide students in the process of Christian character formation, which requires teachers to model wise conduct while holding students accountable for their choices in ways that lead to learning and growth. Second, we seek to prepare students for the high standard of academic integrity that will be expected of them at the university level.

Academic Integrity Explained

Submitting work that is not one’s own as if it were one’s own constitutes academic dishonesty and a violation of our Academic Integrity Policy. Students who knowingly allow another to cheat or copy their work also violate our Academic Integrity Policy. Students are expected to uphold academic integrity in all of their work, from major assignments to daily classwork.

Group Work and Academic Integrity

CAJ values collaboration and encourages students to work together to develop skills and understand course content. However, a student should not receive unauthorized help when the purpose of an assignment is to show what a student knows and is able to do on his or her own.

Violations of Academic Integrity

This violation includes any of the following.

  1. Copying someone else’s work during an assessment (such as a quiz, test, or exam).
  2. Taking a test or exam in place of another student.
  3. Using notes or answers during a test without the teacher’s authorization.
  4. Using personal devices during a test without the teacher’s authorization.

This violation usually pertains to papers, essays, and written work and includes the following.

  1. Quoting or paraphrasing a source – whether it is a book, article, online source, or the paper of another student – without proper documentation.
  2. Submitting another student’s work as if it is your own on any assignment.
  3. Submitting the English-language output of translation services as if it is your own work.
  4. Submitting work generated by artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT or Google Bard, as if it is your own.

Teacher Responsibility
CAJ's curriculum requires that teachers teach and remind students about best practices for academic integrity. Teachers instruct students on how to cite sources appropriately for assignments that require documentation, such as research papers and projects.
Student Responsibility and Consequences
Students are responsible to understand the issues and consequences of academic dishonesty. When a student has been found to have plagiarized or cheated on an assignment, the principal and the student’s parents will be notified. The assignment will receive an automatic zero and the student will meet with the principal. A second violation of the Academic Integrity Policy will result in an automatic two-day suspension. Any subsequent violation will incur more severe consequences, up to and including expulsion.

The following policies were consulted in the making of this policy and may be useful for reference, but only the policy as written above is in force at CAJ.

Bullying, Harassment, Abuse, and Harmful Behavior[edit]

One of CAJ’s core values is that of community. As members of a community, we take care of each other. We want every student to feel safe and protected at CAJ, so we put structures in place to make sure our community is a secure place for everyone. We do not approve of bullying, harassment, or disrespectful behavior between students, and we will not allow any adults in our community to treat students in a way that is threatening, abusive or disrespectful.

If students feel they have been a victim of bullying, harassment, or abuse (see definitions); if they suspect another student may be a victim of bullying, harassment, or abuse, or if they or another person are dealing with self-harmful behavior or suicidal thoughts, they should report this using this form or to an adult member of the CAJ community. This could be a teacher, counselor, principal, or other staff member. The staff member will immediately report this to CAJ’s Child Safety Team and they will do their best to take care of the matter appropriately, taking care to protect the privacy of everyone involved.

In cases where a student has been in some way harmed by another student, our desire is for reconciliation and for relationships to be restored, although realistic consequences will follow. These could include suspension or expulsion. Because we value the privacy of all students, it is possible that one student may not be aware of the consequences another student receives, but any student is welcomed to talk about their concerns with his or her principal.

Campus Safety[edit]

The campus is private property, reserved for the use of CAJ community members and others by invitation.

  1. Official supervision by teachers on campus begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday. CAJ assumes no responsibility for students on campus before 8:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. or on weekends. It is the parents’ job to monitor the whereabouts of their children and exercise appropriate intervention if the parents’ wishes are not obeyed. School buildings will be closed after 4:30 pm. Offices will be closed at 5:00pm.
  2. Once students have arrived on campus in the morning, they may not leave until the school day is over.
  3. At no time should students be inside any facility without the permission and supervision of an adult. Students who want to use a facility outside of school hours must ask a supervisor to complete and submit a Facilities Request Form at least one week in advance.
  4. CAJ holds students accountable for appropriate behavior to and from school. Any misbehavior before, during, and after school hours (including smoking, drinking, stealing, vandalism and other disrespectful behavior) will be handled by the principal as if it had occurred on the campus.
  5. When there are events being held on campus after school and you are on campus during those hours, we expect you to be at the event, not anywhere else where there is not supervision.


All students are expected to attend chapel. Students should arrive to chapel ready to participate and engage with the speaker. Expectation during chapel are:

  • Take your hat off and hood down when entering chapel
  • Stay awake
  • If you need to leave to go to the bathroom or get a drink, you can do that quietly, but when you enter back in, you need to sit at a seat closest to the door, and not return to your seat
  • Pay attention. Do not talk to the people around you or distract them.

Computer and Technology Usage[edit]

  • Within existing school policy, including Standards of Conduct, technology and digital resources are to be used to support, advance, and enhance learning and productivity in order to achieve CAJ's mission.
  • All computer and digital device use is covered by this policy, including (but not limited to) school laptops (see One-to-One Laptop Program), personal computers (see Personal Device Policy), tablets, cell phones, etc.
  • Appropriate use extends to social media, email, chat, and other online activities. (see also Online and Digital Behaviors)
  • Appropriate behavior is expected at all times, including outside of class and off campus.
  • Users will demonstrate discernment and caring for others when using computers. Do not use technology in ways that are objectionable, obscene, offensive, or harmful to yourself or others. Students and staff are required to report concerns in accordance with our Mandated Reporting Policy.
  • Users will respect others’ privacy. Do not access or use another’s account or open, read, modify or remove another's files, postings or emails. Do not post pictures or make comments about others online without their permission.
  • Appropriate use includes only using computers, digital devices, and the CAJ network for legal activities. If you have a question about whether an application or activity is legal, please consult with the technology team.
  • Computers and other digital devices may only be used for school work during class, unless the teacher specifically allows an exception.
  • Users are responsible for the safety and security of their account and computer.
  • Users are responsible for properly saving and backing up their files.
  • Users will be good stewards of computer resources. Do not abuse, damage, or disrupt computers, networks, or other related technology. (see also Graffiti and Vandalism)
  • Users will not attempt to bypass CAJ's monitoring and filtering systems (i.e: GoGuardian).
  • Authorized staff will access student accounts (including data on the server, on the computer or other devices including cell phones, or online) and monitor usage when deemed necessary.
  • Violations of this policy will be reported to the appropriate authority and may result in discipline including the loss of computer privileges.
  • Acceptable Use and Care
    • Students are expected to follow the Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy at all times, both on and off campus.
    • In the event of a student laptop breaking, the student (or family) will be responsible for a ¥6,000 deductible to cover part of the replacement costs. If a student's laptop breaks again after the first incident, the deductible increases to ¥12,000 per laptop replacement.
      • Irresponsible damage and destruction of a student laptop will be brought to the principal and school leadership for consideration in line with our vandalism and restitution policies. The student (or family) may need to cover the full cost of replacing a laptop that is damaged due to extreme negligence or irresponsibility.

Dress Code[edit]

At CAJ, we try to make a positive impression on each other and on those outside our community. We also do whatever we can think of to provide an environment that promotes learning. In order to do these two things, we need to decide on a standard of what is appropriate in many areas, including dress. Students are here voluntarily, which means that their parents choose to enroll them. Consequently, as a school, we assume students have agreed to dress appropriately, according to the school’s definition of appropriate dress and /or according to the principal’s interpretation of this definition.

Dress code is a school function code. It applies whenever a staff member or student is on campus for school events (either as participants or spectators) or off campus and representing the school (either as participants or spectators) on school functions (field trips, concerts, games, etc.).

All students must wear:

  • Clothes that cover the following at all times: buttocks, mid-chest, midriff and undergarments.
  • Tops that cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit and have straps.
  • Any see-through or mesh garments must be worn with appropriate coverage underneath.
  • Skirts and shorts that are at fingertip in length. This is approximately 10 - 15 cm above the knee. Final decisions about length may still be made by the principal, since skirts and shorts vary in style. The rips or tears in pants/skirts must be below this area as well.
  • Footwear at all times.

Students cannot wear:

  • Clothing that shows undergarments, features violent language or image, or features language or images that may embarrass or discriminate against another student.
  • Clothing that has tears in areas that are supposed to be covered.
  • Leggings/spats without a cover (can only be worn under shorts or skirts that are of proper length).
  • Clothing that represents cross-dressing.
  • Clothing, hairstyles, or body accessories that might distract, intimidate, or leave a negative or misleading impression with fellow students, younger children, guests at our school, or with the outlying Japanese community of which our school is a guest (includes areas through which our students commute).

In addition:

  • There is a supplemental athletic handbook dress code.

Dress code violations: Violations of the dress code will be handled as follows:

  1. First violation
    • change of clothes (supplied by principal)
    • violation is recorded
  2. Second violation
    • change of clothes (supplied by principal)
    • warning note home to parents
  3. Third violation
    • change of clothes (supplied by principal)
    • one-hour detention arranged by the principal
  4. Fourth violation
    • change of clothes (supplied by principal)
    • parents contacted
    • students and parents will sign a letter of compliance
  5. Fifth violation
    • change of clothes (supplied by principal)
    • possible out-of-school suspension assigned by head of school
    • meeting with parents must take place to discuss the status of the student at the school before student will be allowed to return to school

Dress code correct.pngDress code incorrect.png

Lockers and property[edit]

  • Lockers and other property (personal and school) A fundamental principle for our life together is respect for each other, which includes each other's property. We expect that everyone who shares the use of school facilities will help to take good care of them as part of our desire to be good stewards of the resources God has given us to use. Those who are disrespectful will make restitution with their time and their yen. There is no insurance to pay for personal or school property that is abused.
  • CAJ provides storage space for every student for personal items.
  • Students in Grades 6-12 are assigned school and PE lockers. Students are expected to keep their lockers locked at all times.
  • All lockers and school desks are school property loaned to students. Principals may inspect lockers and desks at any time.
  • Damage to lockers (which includes anything students stick on that won't come off) will be repaired and students billed for the cost.
  • Unfortunately, occasionally a member of our community does not respect the property of others. Don't leave money or things of value where others may take them. If you must take something valuable to school, ask a teacher or someone in the office to keep it for you until you need it. Report suspected thefts immediately to the academic office.
  • P.E. lockers, which are especially vulnerable to theft, must be locked at all times (except, obviously, when you are placing or removing items).
  • Lost and Found items are kept in the library and the gym. Please check in each location when looking for a lost item. Unclaimed items will be donated or thrown away.


Students in grades 6-12 are issued two combination locks without charge when they are admitted.

  • These locks will remain the property of CAJ, but students are responsible for them - including over summer breaks.
  • Students must use the locks issued by the school and may not substitute other locks, even if they are the same brand and type.
  • Students will turn these locks in to the academic office when they graduate, leave CAJ, or go on leave or furlough.
  • Students are responsible for keeping their gym and school lockers locked with an approved padlock at all times the student is not present.
  • Students should never enter another student's locker without permission.
  • Students should never borrow textbooks, locks, etc. without permission.
  • CAJ cannot be responsible for replacing stolen, misplaced or borrowed items.
  • If students believe their combination number has been compromised (someone else knows their combination), they may request a new combination or lock and they will not be charged for the replacement.
  • If a lock is lost, stolen or damaged through neglect, whether during the school year or during summer break, student accounts will be charged ¥1000 per lock for replacement.


  • Textbooks are bar coded and electronically checked out to students (like a library book).
  • Textbooks are loaned to students by CAJ and should be returned showing reasonable wear. Therefore we encourage students to cover textbooks with sturdy paper or plastic covers. Some teachers may require students to cover books.
  • Students who lose textbooks will be charged a replacement fee; students who damage books will be charged a damage fee.
  • Some AP classes require purchasing texts.

Personal Device Policy[edit]

We value communication and interactions that happen between all members of the CAJ community. Although we acknowledge that technology can help us communicate and interact with others, we believe that this cannot replace what we gain through face-to-face interactions. Therefore, to encourage healthy communication and interactions, we are implementing the following guidelines:

  • Cell phones or other personal electronic devices (including the Apple Watch, personal computers, or similar communication devices) may not be used on campus during school hours by middle/high school students. (“School hours” begin when a student passes through the gate.) Students must keep personal devices in their bags or lockers during school hours, not in their pockets. Students may not have ear buds or other headphones (unless they have permission) in their ear during school hours unless in study hall. Students may not use their devices during break even if they are off campus. Chromebooks may not be used in-between classes for non-educational purposes.
  • Exceptions to this are the following situations:
    • Teachers may give permission to use personal devices for educational purposes during class. (If students are working outside of the classroom, they need to have a device pass.)
    • Middle and high school students may use their personal devices after the last block, but not in the academic building.
    • Students may listen to music during study hall or in class if the teacher allows, as long the personal device is kept in bag.
  • Consequences: Cell phones and other electronic devices used inappropriately will be confiscated and must be reclaimed from the principal at the end of the school day.
    • Consequences are the following:
      • First offense: warning
      • Second offense: parents notified
      • Third offense: parents notified and 1 hour detention
      • Fourth offense: conference with parents and contract issued
      • Fifth offense: in-school suspension, conference with parents, discussion of future
    • If a cell phone or other electronic device is confiscated because certain types of inappropriate behavior are suspected (harassment, cheating, pornography, illegal activities, etc.), the principal may examine the contents of the device. At least one other staff person will be present during the examination.
  • Students may be required to provide access and show the administrator what is preserved in the memory.

Playground Safety[edit]

We encourage you to get out and move around during break or before and after school. Please be mindful of the people around you as you play on the playground, the courts or the play structure, especially those kids who are younger than you.

  • Soccer play is to be only in the large open area (not on the tennis court) unless with a coach or teacher who is supervising an activity.
  • No food on the playground or courts.
  • Snacks should not be eaten while running around or playing on the playground equipment.
    • Dispose of trash properly.
    • Sharing of food is discouraged.
  • Any form of glass, such as glass bottles, is not allowed on the playground.
  • Throwing stones are prohibited.
  • Hard baseballs are not allowed except for during PE.
  • If a ball goes over the fence onto the tracks, do not go and get it. Let the office know.
  • The outdoor washrooms are not to be used for getting water for play.

Commuting to School[edit]

Bicycles and motorized vehicles[edit]

Bicycle Safety Laws in Japan (Click to view)

  • Bicycles must be used according to the laws of Japan.
  • Students are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles to and from campus including scooters, motorcycles and cars.
  • All bicycles should be parked in the designated parking areas and should be kept locked.
    • All bicycles must be identified with a CAJ sticker.
    • Bicycle stickers identifying CAJ community member’s bicycles are available at the business office.
  • To protect pedestrians, bicycles should not be ridden on the campus outside the designated parking areas and should not be used during the school day. Bicycles are not to be used in the plaza area when school is in session or an event is taking place.
  • The playground is off-limits to bicycles at all times to protect the play surface.
  • All bicycles riders are urged to wear helmets when riding.
  • Bicycles are personal property and should not be borrowed without the owner’s permission.


Trains are used by many people here in Japan as their main source of transportation. When you misbehave on the train, it reflects poorly on CAJ. Here are some guidelines you should follow when you are riding the trains here in Japan:

  • Avoid speaking loudly
  • Avoid running around or playing
  • Avoid eating
  • When sitting, sit properly (don’t put your bag on a seat from preventing others to sit)
  • Avoid sitting in the priority seating area
  • If you see an elderly person or a pregnant woman, a handicaped person or someone holding a child, give up your seat for them.


Students are not allowed to bring a skateboard to school and should not use a skateboard as a means of transportation to school.

Conflict Resolution: What do you do when there is conflict with others in the community?[edit]

We are people created in God’s image and a part of the CAJ community. Conflict does happen between students and students and adults. As a community we wish to resolve and find ways we can work together. Many times it is best to include the counselor or a teacher or the principal to help moderate your conflict.

  • If there are problems, if possible, please first talk directly with the person concerned. Both parties should attempt to listen to one another to determine clearly what the facts are regarding the areas of concern.
    • If you have concerns about your ability to deal directly with the other party, please consult with your teacher, your principal or another staff member you feel comfortable talking to.
    • If, after meeting together, the issue cannot be resolved, the school principal or other administrator should be contacted to become involved in mediating.
  • If this does not bring resolution, the head of school should be contacted.
  • CAJ's Child Protection Policy has its own process to protect all parties including the mandated reporter.