At CAJ (Headmaster blog) The Complexity of Calendars - January 2013
The Complexity of Calendars | January 2013[edit]
One of my least favorite annual tasks is finalizing the academic calendar for the coming year. This is in spite of the fact that others do most of the actual work! In part, it is because we are predicting the future and trying to control things we have little control over. Certainly we could not predict the disruption of the triple disasters of March 11, though we do have carefully considered plans in place for when school closes unexpectedly.
But the biggest reason I don't enjoy this process is because it is impossible to make everyone happy, in spite of the fact we are very careful and deliberate in our building of the calendar. First, several key staff work up a version using a variety of formulas and current policies. The Leadership Team goes through that version in detail, also consulting with a number of staff. The calendar is then displayed for all CAJ staff to comment on, and if other groups are affected by changes we contact them as well. For example, for next year we requested that the PTA move Thrift Shop from their usual weekend to make the calendar work better, and they graciously agreed. Finally, the calendar is presented to the board and published to the community.
An example of the framework we use is that board policy mandates no less than 175 teaching days, and in practice we try to schedule 180 days (the North American standard). When we surveyed parents about whether CAJ has an adequate number of days, 61% strongly agreed, 15% somewhat agreed, 13% somewhat disagreed, and 9% strongly disagreed. That is a wide disparity of opinions to take into consideration, though it generally validates our policy.
We also make choices based on the least disruption to student schedules. We schedule our fall and winter breaks to coincide with high school sports tournaments in order to minimize the amount of class time students miss. We also try to align our schedule with other schools in our league (KPASSP) to ensure that scheduling all the games and tournaments is possible.
We work to accommodate as many families as possible, which often affects our decisions about which holidays to cancel school. We attempt to use a mix of Western and Japanese holidays. We also try to have school events such as Back to School Day and conferences on Japanese holidays, when we can to allow those who work the opportunity to attend. This is one of the areas where we receive the most feedback.
Two years ago we scheduled a half day of school on American Thanksgiving (Thursday) in response to feedback from numerous individuals that this two-day break was poorly timed. Over the years a number of people have asked us to consider changing or eliminating this holiday, which comes very close to the extended Christmas break. These suggestions had all come from US citizens--perhaps because others would be less inclined to say anything about this particular American tradition. We carefully considered this change, and sought input from the staff, a number of missions, the board, and other individuals. We even surveyed our students about whether and how they celebrated this holiday. Most of the Western missions we asked do not celebrate until the weekend, if at all, as a group. We were surprised that quite a number of missions have their offices open on these days and, of course, many of our Western families work for Japanese companies and so work on that day. For this reason we do get requests to close for more Japanese holidays from not only Japanese families, but also US and other foreign families. This year we were far more careful about not allowing activities on Thanksgiving Thursday afternoon and evening to avoid additional scheduling pressure on those families that do choose to celebrate that day.
We have completed this process for next year, and you can find the calendar posted here. I am very open to feedback about our calendar choices. We do make changes to both the calendar and our formulas based on feedback, but please understand the choices are often made after considering complicated variables and that the decisions are often compromises.
Your servant in Him,
Brian Vander Haak
授業日数についてのカレンダーの枠組みについては、理事会の方針で示されているガイドライン『175日以下にならないこと』を受けて、北米の標準日数の180日を目安にしています。この180日が妥当な授業日数かどうかということをアンケートで保護者に尋ねると、非常に良いが61%、良いが15%、良くないが13%、非常に良くないが、9%という結果になりました。これは、一般的な学校の方針として確認されているにもかかわらず、このような広範囲の意見に分かれるのです。私たちが行事の選択をするときに、生徒への混乱が最小限に抑えられるようにということを基準に作成しています。秋休みや、冬休みについても、高校生達のスポーツトーナメントのスケジュールを考慮して、スポーツ選手達がなるべくクラスを休むことがないようにしています。さらに関東地方高等学校校長協会 (KPASSP) の他の高等学校のスケジュールにもあわせて、スポーツの試合や、トーナメントの日程が可能になるように作成しているのです。