August 2018
Welcome Back to School
08/24/2018 13:27
On the first day of school, we at CAJ are already thinking about where we want to be on the last day of school. I don't just mean June 11, 2019, but from the first day of kindergarten, we are strategizing about how each child needs to be equipped by graduation day. I know that no parent wants to be reminded about how the time will fly; my little granddaughter started kindergarten this August, and I want to freeze time in place for her! Parents can bask in the beginnings right now, but we at CAJ are already looking ahead to the end so we don't miss any of the important steps of preparation.
CAJ graduates will be serving a world that is a different place that the world their parents entered as young adults. As "Third Culture Kids", they will very likely experience learning in a culture different from the one in which their parents grew up. If not a different country, it will be through different methods and in a different context. They need to be uniquely equipped to address the needs of a rapidly changing and diverse society. We want them to leave CAJ equipped with a set of biblically based values and worldviews. We need our students to be endowed with the understanding that creation in the image of the one living and true God bestows special dignity and value on human beings and mandates us to be God's agents of creativity, care, and truth in the world. We will train them in what it means to lead through serving, to innovate with compassion, to think with discernment, to communicate with clarity, and to collaborate with people who may think differently or experience the world from a variety of perspectives. We know they will form deep relationships with their teachers who will nurture them along the way, and forge lifelong friendships with peers that will transcend distance and cultures.
Right now, that all seems like a dream, but it takes planning from the beginning to get where each graduate needs to be in the end. Parents: you can relax and take your first day of school photos! We already are looking ahead to the last day.
08/24/2018 13:20
CAJの生徒が卒業して世に出ていくとき、そこは保護者のみなさんが若い時期に経験した世界とは異なる世界が広がっています。「第三のカルチャーを担う子ども」として世に出ていくとき、親が育ったカルチャーとは大きく異なった世界に直面する可能性が大です。たとえ同じ国であっても、異なる手段が取られたり、異なる論法が用いられたりします。彼らは急激に変化し多様化していく社会のニーズに向かって、何が必要かを的確に指摘できる者であることが求められます。CAJ の卒業生には、聖書的価値観と世界観を持って旅立って欲しいと願っています。唯一まことの生ける神は、人としての尊厳を私たちに与え、人間としての価値を私たちのうちに見出してくださいました。 そのような神に似た者として、私たちは創られているという理解を、CAJの生徒は持ってほしいと思います。そして世界に創造性をもたらし、世界をいたわり、世界に真理を示すことにおいて、CAJの生徒たちは神の使者となってほしいと思います。そのために私たちは生徒を訓練します。仕える指導者になる、同情心を抱きつつも革新をもたらす、見分ける力をもって考える、明確なコミュニケーションをとる、異なる意見を持つ人々あるいは多様な世界観を経験として持っている人々と協働する、このようなことを身に着けてほしいと願います。その過程で生徒と教師の絆は深まります。仲間とは、距離や文化を超えて生涯に渡る友情が育まれます。